"What is all this?" he inquired, in a gentle voice. "Are you ill?"
"No," I replied. But I doubt if he heard me.
"Come, come, old fellow," he cried, "take off that brass crown and toddle into the study. Are you going to a masquerade? What's all this theatrical tinsel anyway?"
I was glad he thought the crown was made of brass and paste, yet I didn't like him any the better for thinking so. I let him take it from my hand, knowing it was best to humor him. He tossed the splendid diadem in the air, and, catching it, turned to me smiling.
"It's dear at fifty cents," he said. "What's it for?"
I did not answer, but took the circlet from his hands, and, placing
it in the safe, shut the massive door. The alarm ceased its infernal din
at once. He watched me curiously, but did not seem to notice the sudden
ceasing of the alarm. He did, however, speak of the safe as a biscuit-box.
Fearing lest he might examine the combination, I led the way into my study.
Louis threw himself on the sofa and flicked at flies with his eternal riding-whip.
He wore his fatigue uniform, with the braided jacket and jaunty cap, and
I noticed that his riding-boots were all splashed with red mud. "Where have you been?" I inquired. "Jumping mud creeks in Jersey," he said. "I haven't had
time to change yet; I was rather in a hurry to see you. Haven't you got
a glass of something? I'm dead tired; been in the saddle twenty-four hours."
I gave him some brandy from my medicinal store, which he drank with
a grimace. "Damned bad stuff," he observed. "I'll give you an address
where they sell brandy that is brandy." "It's good enough from my needs," I said, indifferently. "I
use it to rub my chest with." He stared and flicked at another fly.
"See here, old fellow," he began, "I've got something
to suggest to you. It's four years now that you've shut yourself up here
like an owl, never going anywhere, never taking any healthy exercise, never
doing a damn thing but poring over those books up there on the mantel-piece."
He glanced along the row of shelves. "Napoleon, Napoleon, Napoleon!"
he read. "For Heaven's sake, have you nothing but Napoleon there?"
"I wish they were bound in gold," I said. "But wait --
yes, there is another book, 'The King in Yellow.'" I looked him steadily
in the eye. "Have you never read it?" I asked. "I? No, thank God! I don't want to be driven crazy." I saw he regretted his speech as soon as he had uttered it. There is
only one word which I loathe more than I do lunatic, and that word is crazy.
But I controlled myself and asked him why he though "The King in Yellow"
dangerous. "Oh, I don't know," he said, hastily. "I only remember
the excitement it created and the denunciations from pulpit and press.
I believe the author shot himself after bringing forth this monstrosity,
didn't he?" "I understand he is still alive," I answered. "That's probably true," he muttered; "bullets couldn't
kill a fiend like that." "It is a book of great truths," I said. "Yes," he replied, "of 'truths' which send men frantic
and blast their lives. I don't care if the thing is, as they say, the very
supreme essence of art. It's a crime to have written it, and I for one
shall never open its pages." "Is that what you have come to tell me?" I asked. "No," he said, "I came to tell you that I am going to
be married." I believe for a moment my heart ceased to beat, but I kept my eyes on
his face. "Yes," he continued, smiling happily, "married to the
sweetest girl on earth." "Constance Hawberk," I said, mechanically. "How did you know?" he cried, astonished. "I didn't know
it myself until that evening last April, when we strolled down to the embankment
before dinner." "When is it to be?" I asked. "It was to have been next September; but an hour ago a despatch
came, ordering our regiment to the Presidio, San Francisco. We leave at
noon to-morrow. To-morrow," he repeated. "Just think, Hildred,
to-morrow I shall be the happiest fellow that ever drew breath in this
jolly world, for Constance will go with me." I offered my hand in congratulation, and he seized and shook it like
the good-natured fool he was -- or pretended to be. "I am going to get my squadron as a wedding present," he rattled
on. "Captain and Mrs. Louis Castaigne -- eh, Hildred?" Then he told me where it was to be and who were to be there, and made
me promise to come and be best man. I set my teeth and listened to his
boyish chatter without showing what I felt, but -- I was getting to the limit of my endurance, and when he jumped up, and,
switching his spurs till they jingled, said he must go, I did not detain
him. "There's only one thing I want to ask of you," I said, quietly.
"Out with it -- it's a promise," he laughed. "I want you to meet me for a quarter of an hour's talk to-night."
"Of course, if you wish," he said, somewhat puzzled. "Where?"
"Anywhere -- in the park there." "What time, Hildred?" "Midnight." "What in the name of -- " he began, but checked himself and
laughingly assented. I watched him go down the stairs and hurry away, his
sabre banging at every stride. He turned into Bleecker Street, and I knew MR. WILDE I saw old Hawberk moving about in his shop, and imagined I heard Constance's
voice in the parlor; but I avoided them both and hurried up the trembling
stairways to Mr. Wilde's apartment. I knocked, and entered without ceremony.
Mr. Wilde lay groaning on the floor, his face covered with blood, his clothes
torn to shreds. Drops of blood were scattered about over the carpet, which
had also been ripped and frayed in the evidently recent struggle. "It's that cursed cat," he said, ceasing his groans and turning
his colorless eyes to me; "she attacked me while I was asleep. I believe
she will kill me yet." This was too much, so I went into the kitchen and, seizing a hatchet
from the pantry, started to find the infernal beast and settle her then
and there. My search was fruitless, and after a while I gave it up and "I put on the screws now and then," he explained. "One day or other some of these people will assassinate you,"
I insisted. "Do you think so?" he said, rubbing his mutilated ears. It was useless to argue with him, so I took down the manuscript entitled
Imperial Dynasty of America for the last time I should ever take it down
in Mr. Wilde's study. I read it through, thrilling and trembling with pleasure.
When I had finished, Mr. Wilde took the manuscript, and, turning to the "Vance, come in!" cried Mr. Wilde. The figure rose and crept towards us, and I shall never forget the face
that he raised to mine as the light from the window illuminated it.
he was going to see Constance. I gave him ten minutes to disappear and
then followed in his footsteps, taking with me the jewelled crown and the
silken robe embroidered with the Yellow Sign. When I turned into Bleecker
Street and entered the door-way which bore the sign,
3rd. Bell.
came back to find Mr. Wilde squatting on his high chair by the table. He
had washed his face and changed his clothes. The great furrows which the
cat's claws had ploughed up in his face he had filled with collodion, and
a rag hid the wound in his throat. I told him I should kill the cat when
I came across her, but he only shook his head and turned to the open ledger
before him. He read name after name of the people who had come to him in
regard to their reputation, and the sums he had amassed were startling.
dark passage which leads from his study to his bedchamber, called out,
in a loud voice, "Vance." Then for the first time I noticed a
man crouching there in the shadow. How I had overlooked him during my search
for the cat I cannot imagine.