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Last day of Ramadan, night of 3-12-94, broke my fast at 18:03. Had only ______ ______ and water the morning before, vision quest. Spent time in the tree. set up a crystal triangle.

Some time in the morning of the 13th in dream state, on a train with Ruth, going to a publisher to see about selling "A Child's Journal". In a strange town, walking around, waiting for Ruth to get done. there are antique stores and the like.

On the sidewalk is a lady and a giant snake. "How beautiful" I say. When I get up to the place I find the lady on an old rocking chair. There are two old hound dogs on the board walk that parallels the shop front but no snake.

"Were is the snake?" I ask her.

"You saw him?"

"Yes! he is beautiful!"

"Not many can see him anymore."

"Not many can see me anymore" says a voice old with humor and the dust of the road of ages.

His face is as old as his voice. It is the face of a bull dog, lined with years. There is but one eye, big and brown and watery. I am sitting in half lotus on the dust gray boards with my back to a post. I feel just a moment of fear as this great and ancient snake of the world crawls onto my lap.

He lays his head onto his coils, we are locked face to face and eyes to eye. We talk, he is sad and feeling useless/powerless. I try to tell him that there is beauty and meaning to his existence. I pet and cradle his head and scratch behind his bulldog ears.

"You are kind to an old snake" he says.

"I love you, old snake!" I answer.

On leaving the Dreamtime I come to know that he is one of the old ones, the powers of the Earth, the guardians of the old path, the keepers of the last Yoga. It is an honor to have seen him. It is the greatest of honors to have shared his sorrow. He was gentle with me but I know that there is the powers within him to rip the fabric of the universe.

His sadness is that he no longer knows if he should act or not. In the young days of this world he was active but he does not like what his actions have brought into being. He watches now and does not like what his inactions let come into being.

He is old with too much care and I love him but can give him no comfort. There is a great beauty in his sadness and I would not take his place for all the power that he holds.