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Dream 8-28-[94?]

Kalnick is getting together a commando unit. He is training all of us to go into South East Asia. We are using nail guns and plastic explosives. We are training on the roof of my childhood home in Sarasota, Florida.

I am in the bathroom when all the lights go out. I think it is an attack and I start getting ready to fight. I get on all of my commando gear. I load my nail gun. and I load Kalnick�s nail gun for him.

I go up on the roof and there is a giant tree growing out of the roof. I go up into the branches of the tree and Chris is there.

Larry Yoo, the Q.A. Technician from work, is showing off by climbing as fast and as high as he can. I tell Chris that if it was a real attack that Larry Yoo will be a liability. "Yes, I Know"

Chris makes up some plastic explosive and puts it on the glass window of a store that is now across the street. It does not go off. Soon people are walking around the store. "We have to get them away before it explodes!" We try all kinds of ways to do this but can not get people away from the explosive.

Chris takes us to see the top guy in the secret service that he used to work for. He finally finds out why he was let go from the service. "It was your father, he was a security risk now that he is dead you can be cleared again."

The guy looks us all over. He looks at our hands and then tells us all of these things about us. "How did you do that?" "My son found it in the back of a comic book"

He takes Kalnick aside "You're going into a dangerous situation. The hippie, meaning me, is going to either be a asset or a liability. If he turns out to be the later then you are going to have to take him out!" "Ya, I know!"

Later I tell Chris that the way that the head of the secret service knew all of those things was that he did a complete background check on all of us and then he just portended to look at are hands and read our characters. "Yes, I know" says Chris again