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NOTE: Let me preface this by saying that I did see small parts of 20,000 leagues under the sea last night on TV which might explain why I was Peter Lorre for most of the night�s dreaming.

We were on a small planet in the outer cluster. Due to the hard economic times it was decided to cut back on the support from the home world. We held a private meeting to talk about what this means.

�We need support because everyone of us is a walking plague bomb. They won�t let us off planet because we could go into the active phase at any time. Without support we face death ever time we over work or go hungry.�

�Let�s show them what they are turning their back on. Hunger strike!�

�But the plague will come back!�

�Let it, they will have to supply the medical support we need or take a chance on it spreading to half the galaxy. Our weakness is our strength!�

On the third day of the hunger strike the plague symptoms start to show. It is like the leader said, the galactic empire comes to our rescue. But they are pissed because they know that we did it on purpose.

They let a lot of us die before they have to come it with treatments. We plague bares are the only ones that can survive on this planet and this planet is vital to the trade routes.

Stronger restrictions are put in place. But I care not, for my family and friends have all died and I have become a rebel. I have survived the plague twice and have gained control over it in my body.

I can bring it on with a thought and then cure it in my own body by an act of will. I set about my escape. I will take the war to the stars.

I am waiting in the robot train station with the clothes and luggage of an off world business man. When the train comes I get on it and head to the space port. I pass the inspection points the first few times.

But I have packed something in my suitcase that gives me away. �It�s one of the plaguers! Kill himmmm!�

I bring on the plague in seconds and render the military all ill and dying. I am running and hiding. As the months turn into years and we rebels take are fight to the space port I gain control of my powers. I no longer have to bring the plague to my own body, I can induce it in another just by feeling it in his body.

The empire brings in mercenaries from the many planets to ambush us. We are trapped.

�They will pick us off like flies, worms!�

�Not if I can help it!� Up until now I have been a follower, �follow me!�

I lead my troops through the tunnels under the space port. As each ambush is sprung I bring the attackers to their knees.

At the third attack I cannot affect the leader. He removes the headpiece of his white protective suit and his face is green scaled. He has big webbed ears and fangs and blood red, burning eyes.

�Shit, it is a Bracken, they�re fucking psychic and immune, we�re dead!�

His mind grapples with mine and he tries a thought grab at the base of my spine. I counter without thinking and our spirits meet in immortal combat. This is the ambush that was set for me but my years of control over the plague in my body has given me great psychic powers that I did not know I had.

I catch the Bracken unprepared. He is too over confident in his powers and my powers are greater.

With the Bracken conquered I am unstoppable. I push my way into the space port and gain a ship.

�Fool, what do I need this tin can for? It is just the habit of years.�

I launch myself into space. I�m born a demigod of death and revenge.

�Look out universe, I am come to revenge my world!�

Peter Lorre with an attitude and supreme powers out among the stars to gain all eyes for an eye.