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Fall asleep on the living room floor well trying to get my daughter Raven to go to sleep. I�m in this part of the plant that I do not know. There is all kinds of security because a Quality Circle project that was fixing a drain uncovered a gold mine. the drain was still clogged but they had put a pump on it and gold nuggets and gold dust was thick in the water. I am fighting the temptation to remove a nugget or two but I am afraid of what the gold dust will do when it gets on my skin. There is a knock at the door and I look out through the security camera and see that it is Jim Dowling from White Hydraulics that I met at the Quality Circle Facilitator training class in Memphis Tennessee. He is years younger and looks like a Kentucky Corneal. I know that he is thinking about me and that is why he is in my dream. It must be that he is running the Quality Circle Training Software I wrote that I sent him last week.

Ruth comes out and wakes me. �Come to bed. Why don�t you come to bed?� �I�m collection my dream, I�ll come to bed as soon as I do.�

Taking a class in creative writing at my old high school after I am a famous writer. The teacher is picking on me because he says that my symbolism is too erratic. I tell him that it is not symbolism at all and that is why he cannot understand it. It is organic, dream grown, and not that ordered boring stuff of Norman Mailer and Rita Mae Brown.

We have an oral report coming up and I have all of my props and sound effects and notebook computer and the lot. The teacher, whose last name starts with a `Q�, does not show up for the class. I�m out talking to Jeff Wilcox from Tallahassee sic �daze� sic when Rick Veitch drives up in a new Italian sports car with flip up wing doors. I am sitting in the car talking to Veitch and the school secretary comes out and gets in the car. I am trying to tell Rick about the teacher that will not accept dream symbolism but all Rick wants to do is talk to the blonde bimbo about the latest modern art print that they have bought as an investment. �You are not acting right Rick, this must be a dream!� �No! what gives you that idea?�

The next day I go to class to give my report but I don�t take all of my stuff with me because it is too much to carry. The teacher is there so I demand that I get a chance to show my side and give my report. I blast him with a few opening words and then step out to get my stuff. I notice that the wax head of Ernie is too pink and remember how he always quoted that National Lampoon cartoon story. The neck at the base does not show veins or anything but maybe it will work.

I go back to the class room and look in the windows and the class is no longer there. I go from room to room looking into the windows and he has turned and run off. �Won�t let me state my case. I�ll get him. I�ll enter his dreams and state my case there where I won�t need special effects.!�

In the front room of my old studio in Dover. Joni Mitchell is bitching about how she never had to suffer for her art. That everything was given to her on a silver palter. I am looking at the paintings on the walls. They are chancing even as I look. People are painting them even as I look. Most people are painting them in their dreams. But Veitch dreams about what he is going to paint and then comes there in person when he wakes to paint on my walls.

I am showing all the paintings to a girl that I do not know who has been dream painting on my walls. �That is your, isn�t it. And this one over here is mine. �

I step outside and Chris Owens, from work, is sitting at a computer. It is outside in the park behind the court house in Tallahassee. There are a whole lot of shirts on hangers by the tree that Sue�s German shepherd use to climb. There is a newspaper clipping on a board next to it. It tells how Chris�s mother is fighting legal charges. There are gold pins of dragon flies and fish and things on the collars of the shirts and I start taking them off. �How do you like my dream symbolism so far Mr. Q.� I know that I cannot remember his name because I am in his dream.

I go back to my studio and find Arnold Schwarzenegger sleeping in a bed with this other body builder guy. The bed is above my closet. (how about that one Fraud) He is complaining because he is getting all of these strange dreams about Jimi Hendrex. �He keeps on showing up on late night television and sometimes he is very good and some times he isn�t. It is because of this electronic spray device that my friend has here on his side of the bed. I roll over here and breath the spray and then I dream about Jimi on late night TV�.

I try to make a joke about him sleeping around and he does not get it. I look at the device. It is on a goose neck mic stand but the spray part is missing. The bodybuilder guy shows me the box that it came in and I see that it is from my Father and that it was sent to me. �You know, I have been dreaming about Jimi too!�

Jimi Hendrex faked his death. He found some salesman that was dying of something and made a deal to trade places and then the salesman died in a plane crash. Jimi cuts his hair (I don�t care) and goes home to the salesman�s wife who treats him like shit. He falls in love with her and does not come out of hiding. Years later he writes a book titled �E=MC2� The cover shows Jimi peeing the title in the bowl. I get up and go to the bathroom. Then I go back to bed and go back over my dreams in my head so that I will remember them.